Your business is a mechanism for exchanging value for money. Simple but not easy.
A good business coach will help you clarify your goals and then spend your time working towards those goals at maximum effectiveness. And he or she will help you realize more reward for the value that you provide. This includes working with you to create effective systems, processes, and organizations so that you don’t have to “touch” everything that happens in your business.
Specifically, Burl works with smart, passionate, and savvy owners and CEOs of triple bottom line businesses. Together, they engage in holistic-minded executive thinking, planning, and problem solving, normally on a weekly basis. It can be hard work. At times, it will be uncomfortable. It is not for everyone. But Burl’s clients find that the process is also rewarding, enlightening, and meaningful.
Does your business add economic and societal value in one of the following ways:
- Manufacturing, distributing, or selling healthy food?
- Renewing the soil through restorative agriculture?
- Increasing energy efficiencies?
Have you proven the viability of your business but want to take it to the next level? Are you truly committed to success?
If so, a talk with Burl is a wise next step. He will provide executive level business counsel for the price of an entry-level hire, and with no long-term contract.
Burl Amsbury Bio:
Burl is a certified business coach focusing on holistic, systems-level strategies. Burl holds an MS in Management from MIT’s Sloan School of Management, as well as both a BS and MS in electrical engineering from MIT. He served as a U.S. Navy pilot and held several executive-level corporate positions before starting his current business helping triple bottom line businesses maximize efficiencies, growth, and reward. He is particularly passionate about the production, distribution, and sales of healthy food, the creation of healthy soil through restorative agriculture, and increasing efficiencies in our energy systems.