Our mission is to build a more connected, resilient and healthy local economy.

We love our place.  Colorado is full of innovators, entrepreneurs, and pioneers. Our mission is to bring together people, institutions and businesses to nurture a thriving and sustainable local economy – one that provides for our needs while fostering a creative culture of well-being, equity and freedom for generations to come.  Independent business is the backbone of a thriving economy.  Our programs help businesses and organizations find the resources they need and make the connections that are crucial to success.

Mile High Business Alliance’s vision is to be a leader in building thriving economies, a sought-after resource for local, independent businesses, and a passionate advocate for a beautiful, just and resilient Colorado.

Our Guiding Principles:

  1. Our missionWe consider economic activities from a long-term, systems perspective. We strive to build effective and healthy economic systems that embody our other values and fit within the other social and environmental systems of which we’re a part.  We take responsibility for leaving a healthy community for many generations to come. Growth is not imperative to our economy, but instead we focus on providing for our needs in the context of the health, values and sustainability of our greater communities.
  2. We foster entrepreneurship because innovation and adaptability are key to meeting the needs of the community while supporting greater health and happiness.  We believe that local businesses do irreplaceable work in providing for the economic stability of our community, while also supporting our unique culture and giving us the nimbleness and flexibility to adapt.
  3. We are stronger when our common resources are effectively shared and stewarded.  We succeed when we have the tools we need.  Within our community, we have the tools and capacities and we can access this by working together.  We cannot be successful working in isolation.
  4. Local ownership (of businesses, capital, land and productive capacity) creates broader economic resilience and opportunities for more citizens.  When economic power is spread between more people, the community is stronger, more livable and more stable.
  5. Our work builds stronger connections and relationships, where we know our neighbors and institutions and support each other.  Through these relationships, meaning in community participation, can make meaningful contributions and come together to make decisions that affect the entire community.
  6. A strong economy is the starting point for a vibrant community.  Personal and community freedom, health and happiness are not built upon wealth and possessions, but on relationships, a clean environment, and meaningful work.  When we have a strong economy and know that basic needs can be met, we experience happiness and the ability to create and express ourselves.
  7. We recognize that we are part of nature, and are wholly dependent upon the earth’s systems and regional resources, and thus work within the limits while regenerating these systems for future generations.
  8. We value a local living economy, which is an economy that is self-supportive and works for everyone in the community.  A local living economy allows for a neighborhood, town, city and region to provide for its needs, and not at the expense of others.
  9. We are increasingly self-reliant, able to provide for our basic needs such as food, energy, water, health care, transportation, communications, and building materials.
  10. We promote equity – where ALL people are able to participate in our community, economic and governance systems, regardless of background, identity or beliefs. Our work transcends the common political lines and brings everyone into the conversation.
  11. We cherish our place and nurture self-expression and creativity, with diverse art, artisans, and unique culture.
  12. We continually learn and improve our work and support further learning for all citizens – local and abroad.